Seeing The Right Foot Doctor

Don't Do These Things To Your Feet

When it comes to your feet, there are just as many things you want to make sure you don't do to them as there are things you should do to them in order to make sure you treat them well. When you treat your feet right, you can avoid many painful issues, some of which can turn into long-term conditions you can really struggle with. Some of the conditions improper care of your feet can lead to may even leave you facing a possible need for surgery or other invasive treatments in your future. When it comes to some of the things you don't want to do to your feet, the article below will prove to be very informative.

Don't wear shoes with high heels to them

High heeled shoes cause your weight to be put on the ends of your feet which includes your toes, instead of evenly dispersing your weight on them the way it should be. The heels also make you more likely to harm your ankle, causing painful and possibly serious injury.

Don't wear tight socks for long periods of time

You don't want to wear tight socks because it is normal for feet to swell a little, especially when you are on them for a good period of time or when you eat salty foods. When your feet slightly swell and your socks are already tight, then you can cause your feet not to get the proper amount of circulation. This is not good for your overall health, as well as for the health and well-being of your feet and toes.

Don't go barefoot anywhere but in your home

Walking outside barefoot leaves you at risk of cutting your feet or blistering them on hot surfaces. However, many people feet it is fine to walk certain places barefoot, such as when they are at the beach or lake. You still don't want to walk around without shoes at the beach or the lake. When you do, you risk stepping on a number of harmful things, including sharp seashells, fishhooks, sharp rocks, broken glass, metal, and even fish bodies with sharp spines.

Don't cut your nails too short

While you may think your toes look well-manicured when the nails or very short, cutting them this way will leave you more prone to ending up with an ingrown toenail. An ingrown toenail will cause a lot of pain, and it can get infected. In many cases, it will even warrant a trip to the podiatrist to have it professionally tended to.

For more information on foot care, check out a website like today.
