Seeing The Right Foot Doctor

How to Speed Up Your Recovery From Ankle Replacement Surgery

Ankle replacement surgery is a pretty involved procedure, and it comes with a relatively long recovery time. Most people have to stay off of their foot for about a month post-surgery, and it tends to be about six months before they're able to return to most normal activities like walking and standing for long periods of time. However, these are just estimates. While nobody is going to recover from an ankle replacement in two weeks, there are a few things you can do to help speed up your recovery as much as is reasonably possible. Take a look.

Take your NSAID pain relievers consistently.

You'll probably be given opiate pain relievers to take for the first few days after surgery. Then, you'll switch to an NSAID, such as naproxen or ibuprofen. Since the level of pain often drops off dramatically after a few days, you may not feel like you have to take your NSAIDs constantly. However, it is a good idea to take your dose on a regular basis, even if your pain level is not too high. NSAIDs do more than relieve pain. They also relieve inflammation, and by doing so, they help speed up the healing process. Keep taking your NSAIDs as often as your doctor recommends until you are out.

Don't try walking too soon.

It can be tempting to hobble around and try walking before you've been cleared to do so by your doctor. But in doing so, you are only extending the time it will take your ankle to heal. Every time you irritate the tissues a little and cause more inflammation, you are backtracking on the healing process. Stay off your foot — entirely — until your doctor tells you that you can walk on it. Make sure you have a friend or family member at home with you so that you don't have to do things like stand and wash dishes.

Eat a balanced diet, and consider taking a multivitamin.

While it might be tempting to sit on the couch and eat ice cream all day, you need to maintain a balanced, healthy diet at this time. Your body needs protein and a whole array of vitamins and minerals to rebuild the tissue around your ankle. Eat lots of lean meats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Consider taking a multivitamin; your doctor should be able to recommend a good one.

With the tips above, you can hopefully speed up your recovery from an ankle replacement. Remember to relax and let your body heal; pushing ahead too soon won't do you any favors.

To learn more about ankle replacement surgery and it's recovery, contact a doctor near you. 
